OpenGL Hack
- Aimbot
Virus: Free
Welcome to Counter Strike Fever. Here you can find information to setup counter strike servers(steam/non steam), download Counter Strike game (all versions) with direct hi speed links,counter strike maps, addons,plugins, sounds,mods,cheats,hacks & all other counter strike stuff including valuable tips & tricks.
OpenGL Hack
Virus: Free
amx_Required options are shown with <>, optional parameters are shown with []. Do not actually type <> or [].[option3]
Command | Format | Access | Description |
amx_kick | ADMIN_KICK | Kicks a player. | |
amx_ban | ADMIN_BAN | Bans a player. | |
amx_addban | ADMIN_BAN | Adds a ban to the server banlist. | |
amx_unban | ADMIN_BAN | Unbans a player. | |
amx_slay | ADMIN_SLAY | Slays a player. | |
amx_slap | ADMIN_SLAY | Slaps a player for variable damage. | |
amx_leave | ADMIN_KICK | Kicks all players not wearing one of the tags. | |
amx_pause | ADMIN_CVAR | Pauses or unpauses the game. | |
amx_who | ADMIN_ADMIN | Displays who is on the server. | |
amx_cvar | ADMIN_CVAR | Changes or displays a cvar value. | |
amx_map | ADMIN_MAP | Changes map. | |
amx_nick | ADMIN_LEVEL_A | Changes Users Name. | |
amx_cfg | ADMIN_CFG | Executes a server-side config file. | |
amx_rcon | ADMIN_RCON | Executes a command on the server console. | |
amx_plugins | ADMIN_ADMIN | Lists all loaded plugins. | |
amx_modules | ADMIN_ADMIN | Lists all loaded modules. |
Command | Format | Access | Description |
amx_say | ADMIN_CHAT | Sends a message to all players through normal say. | |
amx_chat | ADMIN_CHAT | Sends a message to all admins through normal chat. | |
amx_psay | ADMIN_CHAT | Sends a private message to a player. | |
amx_tsay | ADMIN_CHAT | Sends a left side HUD message to all players. | |
amx_csay | ADMIN_CHAT | Sends a center HUD message to all players. |
Command | Format | Access | Description |
amx_votemap | ADMIN_VOTE | Starts a vote for a map. | |
amx_votekick | ADMIN_VOTE | Starts a vote to kick a player. | |
amx_voteban | ADMIN_VOTE | Starts a vote to ban a player. | |
amx_vote | ADMIN_VOTE | Starts a custom poll. | |
amx_cancelvote | ADMIN_VOTE | Cancels the last poll in progress. |
Command | Description |
say /hp | Displays information about your killer. |
say /statsme | Displays your stats. |
say /stats | Displays other players' stats. |
say /top15 | Displays the top 15 players. |
say /rank | Displays your rank on the server. |
Command | Description |
say nextmap | Displays the next map in the mapcycle. |
say timeleft | Displays the time left in the map. |
say thetime | Displays the current time. |
Note: ACCESS_LEVEL_A is not "a", it is "m".
Command | Accesss | Description |
amxmodmenu | ADMIN_MENU | Displays the main AMX Mod X menu. |
amx_cvarmenu | ADMIN_CVAR | Displays the CVAR menu. |
amx_mapmenu | ADMIN_MAP | Displays the map change menu. |
amx_votemapmenu | ADMIN_MAP | Displays the map voting menu. |
amx_kickmenu | ADMIN_KICK | Displays kick menu. |
amx_banmenu | ADMIN_BAN | Displays ban menu. |
amx_slapmenu | ADMIN_SLAY | Displays slap/slay menu. |
amx_teammenu | ADMIN_LEVEL_A | Displays team switch menu. |
amx_clcmdmenu | ADMIN_LEVEL_A | Displays client commands menu. |
amx_restmenu | ADMIN_CFG | Displays weapon restriction menu. |
amx_teleportmenu | ADMIN_CFG | Displays teleport menu. |
amx_pausecfgmenu | ADMIN_CFG | Pause/unpause plugins with menu. |
amx_statscfgmenu | ADMIN_CFG | Displays stats configuration menu. |
Command: | amx_pausecfg |
Format: | |
Access: | ADMIN_CFG |
Description: | Pauses a plugin.
Command list:
Command: | amx_statscfg |
Format: | |
Access: | ADMIN_CFG |
Description: | Changes a stats setting.
Command list:
Command: | amxx |
Format: | |
Access: | |
Description: | Command list available:
sXe Injected For Clients
sXe injected on Server
Procedure for Clients:
Now that you have installed it correctly
Here is How to use sXe Anti Cheat System 2009 in Counter Strike server
Close or Kill any counter strike or server that may be running (in tak manager kill hl.exe or hlds.exe , if found)
Launch seX injected and Click on update button
now you may launch your Counter Strike it will automatically trigger the hl.exe
For your convenience below is the image in order of their execution..
I Hope it will be clear for you ....
Let me know if you need more...!
How to Make Or Record Counter Strike Video/Movie
So here we goRequirements:
A PC that can give 100fps constant at a resolution on which u want to make ur cs movie
Download These softwares:
Install them ( Virtual dub doesnt need to be installed ,just extract & keep in some folder).
1) You must know how to record demo's of counter strike.If you dont know goto End of this post & see Demo Recording section.
2) Play the demo by typing "viewdemo demoname" in console
3) Watch demo, from where you want to record your movie.
4) Type this in console "startmovie demo 90"
5) Game will go really slow as it is capturing all bmp ( dont minimize game)
6) when you want to stop recording type endmovie in console
7) Now you need to start Virtualdubmod.
8) Click on File>Open Video File
9) Browse to cstrike folder of your cs installation
10) you will see many .bmp's in that folder, that are the pictures of what we recorded
11) we will join those bmp's to make a video
12) select the first .bmp & click Open
13) Open Video menu & click Fast Recompress
14) Again Video menu & select compression
15) Select Uncompressed RGB on left side & click OK
16) Open video menu & select Frame rate.
17) Under Source Rate adjustment, select 'Change to' and type 90 there.
18) Then File>Save As , then save it with any name
19) The size of this avi file will be extremely large as it is uncompressed.
20) Now you have 1 clip of your movie, record as much as u want, but delete all bmp's from cstrike folder
Before you make another clip
21) After you have several clips, Edit them in Sony Vegas or Adobe After Effects or any other video editing software u want.
22) Then Select File>Render As.
23) Under Save as type, select "Video for Windows (*.avi) , then click custom on right side
24) A new window will open,select Default Template ( UNCOMPRESSED) on top menu & Select Best in "Video Rendering Quality"
25) Click ok,and then click Save
26) Now our movie is ready but it still has huge size,isnt it ?
27) Now we will compress it with Xvid Codec.
28) Run VirualDubmod,File>Open video File. Open the file we just saved from sony vegas
29) Repeat steps 13 to 17 but this time,on compression window, select "Xvid MPEG-4 Codec"
30) Click Configure on right side, a new window will open, Click on Load Defaults.
31) Now click on 'Target Quantizer' so it will change to 'Target Bitrate'.
32) There is box in front of it, Type 4000 in it .... Click OK...Click ok Again & do step 18
OUR MOVIE IS READY NOW .........Watch the CS 1.6 Movie / Video...!
How to Edit Counter Strike Video/Movie/Clip using Sony Vegas
Hi Guys.... Today we are going to see how we can edit out premade counter strike video which you may have captured by various methods.... and to Give Special effects like in professional videos you see....
I wont write the whole procedure here but provide a video ... which you can surely download for later use..!
Note: You maynot use Sony Vegas as capturing software for your Counter Strike Movies but it is a tool to edit and put special effects in the premade video itself...
Dont forget to read the link below... Consider it as PART 1
How To record CounterStrike Video in Easiest possible way..!
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
admin_help | - | Prsents a help listing. It can be used to display a list of all command using index numbers or used with command names to provide help with a particular function. |
admin_version | - | Presents Admin Mod version information and a list of the loaded plugins. |
admin_status | - | Echos the access level of the calling user to the console. |
admin_login | - | Allows users to provide Admin Mod with their password so they can be granted access |
admin_password | - | identical to admin_login |
admin_command | - | Allows the use of Admin mod commands from the server console, see this HowTo for details. |
admin_cmd | - | Shotened version of admin_command. |
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
admin_abort_vote | 2 | admin_abort_vote: Aborts a vote in progress. |
admin_ban | 256 | admin_ban |
admin_banip | 256 | admin_banip |
admin_cfg | 512 | admin_cfg |
admin_chat | 64 | admin_chat |
admin_csay | 64 | admin_csay [color] |
admin_dmesg | 512 | admin_dmesg |
admin_fraglimit | 2 | admin_fraglimit |
admin_friendlyfire | 32 | admin_friendlyfire |
admin_gravity | 32 | admin_gravity |
admin_hostname | 512 | admin_hostname |
admin_kick | 128 | admin_kick |
admin_listmaps | 0 | admin_listmaps: Shows maps in mapcycle. |
admin_map | 2 | admin_map |
admin_nextmap | 0 | admin_nextmap: Shows next map in cycle. |
admin_nopass | 16 | admin_nopass: Clears the server's password. |
admin_pass | 16 | admin_pass |
admin_pause | 8 | admin_pause: Sets the pausable cvar to 1. |
admin_psay | 64 | admin_psay |
admin_rcon | 65536 | admin_rcon |
admin_reload | 4 | admin_reload: Reloads Admin Mod files. |
admin_say | 64 | admin_say |
admin_servercfg | 512 | admin_servercfg |
admin_ssay | 64 | admin_ssay |
admin_teamplay | 32 | admin_teamplay |
admin_timeleft | 0 | admin_timeleft: Shows the time left. |
admin_timelimit | 2 | admin_timelimit |
admin_tsay | 64 | admin_tsay [color] |
admin_unban | 256 | admin_unban |
admin_unpause | 8 | admin_unpause: Sets the pausable cvar to 0. |
admin_userlist | 0 | admin_userlist [ |
admin_vote_kick | 1 | admin_vote_kick |
admin_vote_map | 1 | admin_vote_map |
admin_vsay | 64 | admin_vsay |
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
admin_bury | 8192 | admin_bury |
admin_execall | 65536 | admin_execall |
admin_execclient | 65536 | admin_execclient |
admin_execteam | 65536 | admin_execteam |
admin_gag | 2048 | admin_gag |
admin_llama | 8192 | admin_llama |
admin_slap | 128 | admin_slap |
admin_slay | 128 | admin_slay |
admin_slayteam | 128 | admin_slayteam |
admin_unbury | 8192 | admin_unbury |
admin_ungag | 2048 | admin_ungag |
admin_unllama | 8192 | admin_unllama |
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
admin_cancelvote | 2 | admin_cancelvote: Cancels the current hlds_ld vote. |
admin_denymap | 2 | admin_denymap |
admin_startvote | 1 | admin_startvote: Starts an hlds_ld vote. |
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
admin_disco | 8192 | admin_disco: Starts disco fever. Fun mode only. |
admin_fun | 8192 | admin_fun <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Turns fun mode on or off. |
admin_glow | 8192 | admin_glow |
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
admin_godmode | 8192 | admin_godmode |
admin_noclip | 8192 | admin_noclip |
admin_stack | 8192 | admin_stack: Will stack everyone on top of you. |
admin_teleport | 8192 | admin_teleport |
admin_userorigin | 8192 | admin_userorigin |
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
admin_messagemode | 0 | admin_messagemode |
admin_nomessagemode | 0 | admin_nomessagemode: Will treat 'say' as 'say'. |
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
admin_autokick | 0 and 512 | admin_autokick: [<1>]: mp_autokick on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_autoteambalance | 0 and 512 | admin_autoteambalance: [<#>]: setting for mp_autoteambalance. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_buytime | 0 and 512 | admin_buytime: [<#>]: setting for mp_buytime. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_c4timer | 0 and 512 | admin_c4timer: [<#>]: setting for mp_c4timer. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_chattime | 0 and 512 | admin_chattime: [<#>]: setting for mp_chattime. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_consistency | 0 and 512 | admin_consistency: [<#>]: setting for mp_consistency. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_ct | 128 | admin_ct |
admin_fadetoblack | 0 and 512 | admin_fadetoblack: [<1>]: mp_fadetoblack on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_flashlight | 0 and 512 | admin_flashlight: [<1>]: mp_flashlight on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_footsteps | 0 and 512 | admin_footsteps: [<1>]: mp_footsteps on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_forcecamera | 0 and 512 | admin_forcecamera: [<#>]: setting for mp_forcecamera. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_forcechasecam | 0 and 512 | admin_forcechasecam: [<#>]: setting for mp_forcechasecam. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_freezetime | 0 and 512 | admin_freezetime: [<#>]: setting for mp_freezetime. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_ghostfrequency | 0 and 512 | admin_ghostfrequency: [<#>]: setting for mp_ghostfrequency. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_hpenalty | 0 and 512 | admin_hpenalty: [<#>]: setting for mp_hostagepenalty. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_limitteams | 0 and 512 | admin_limitteams: [<1>]: mp_limitteams on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_kickpercent | 0 and 512 | admin_kickpercent: [<#>]: setting for mp_kickpercent. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_maxrounds | 0 and 512 | admin_maxrounds: [<#>]: setting for mp_maxrounds. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_mapvoteratio | 0 and 512 | admin_mapvoteratio: [<#>]: setting for mp_mapvoteratio. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_playerid | 0 and 512 | admin_playerid: [<#>]: setting for mp_playerid. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_restartround | 2 | admin_restartround |
admin_restart | 2 | admin_restart |
admin_restrict | 0,32 and 512 | admin_restrict: Views / Configures / Saves weapon restrictions. Anyone can view the restrictions, level 32 is needed to change them, and level 512 to save the changes so they become permanent for the server. Run "admin_restrict help" for details |
admin_restrictmenu | 32 | admin_restrictmenu: Change weapon restirctions via a menu. Requires menus to be enabled. |
admin_roundtime | 0 and 512 | admin_roundtime: [<#>]: setting for mp_roundtime. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_startmoney | 0 and 512 | admin_startmoney: [<800/16000>]: setting for mp_startmoney. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_t | 128 | admin_t |
admin_tkpunish | 0 and 512 | admin_tkpunish: [<1>]: mp_tkpunish on or off. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
admin_unrestrict | 32 | admin_unrestrict: Remove weapon restirctions. Run "admin_unrestrict help" for details. |
admin_vote_restart | 1 | admin_vote_restart: Starts a vote to restart the round. |
admin_winlimit | 0 and 512 | admin_winlimit: [<#>]: setting for mp_winlimit. Level 512 is needed to make changes. |
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
admin_balance | 32 | admin_balance <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Sets the forced team balancing. |
admin_blue | 8192 | admin_blue |
admin_green | 8192 | admin_green |
admin_prematch | 4 | admin_prematch |
admin_red | 8192 | admin_red |
admin_yellow | 8192 | admin_yellow |
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
cancelvote | 2 | say cancelvote: Cancels the current hlds_ld vote. |
denymap | 2 | say denymap |
mapvote | 1 | say mapvote: Starts an hlds_ld vote. |
rockthevote | 1 | say rockthevote: Starts an hlds_ld vote. |
vote | 1 | say vote |
Command | Access Level | Descirption |
currentmap | 0 | say currentmap: Will respond with the current map's name. |
nextmap | 0 | say nextmap: Will respond with the next map in the cycle. |
timeleft | 0 | say timeleft: Will respond with the time left. |
glow | 0 | say glow |
Counter Strike hacks,downloads,aimbot,cd key,cheats
Once again this Guide will give you Latest and Best Counter strike hacks .... in no time..!
So Lets Get Started...!
But before i give you all those important Hacks,Cheats,antic VAC codes, let me tell you my experience.. a very True Experience..!
Today it was a normal day ... like it used to be ... and I opened up my laptop and started playing counter strike but as the day passes by i got fairly angry with my self ... Do you know why ...? Because i was having the lowest score on the score chart....!
So ... to get on top in shortest possible time i started googleing Counters strike latest hacks and Cheats .... Fortunatly i found one.... i was really happy...
Now various thoughts flashed before my
I would knife every One in no time
I would get all the headshots....
People will be amazed by my proness ...
So I just Downloaded the all those programs from here
(Let me tell you one more thing... the PC on which i used to play counter strike contained all my valuable data gathered over several years of hardwork ...)
Now that Hack is being Downloaded ... and i was ready to frighten ppl on several servers...
I opened the hack file using WinZip and i extracted all the contents on my desktop..
and found some winzix file which is to opened using special software... so i feel thats not a problem ... and i Moved ahead and Opened the webpage on which that winzix software was located..
The Moment i I opened that webpage ....
Thank to NOD32 ... it saved me from such a grave mis happening..
I realised just to make ppl on server Amazed or try to piss them off... we download such sad hacks and every time we execute them
and Then We complain that ...
So Hackers get a life and Dont be an animal ...
Q:You may ask ... then why do they release such hacks and cheats...?
Ans: For the simple reason that they want your computer to be included in their BOT NET list
BOT NET is nothing but the network of computers which can be controlled by hackers and Other bad guys ... so that if federal agencies are to caught them ... they will catch you and blame you for all the losses that are being made from your PC to others System...and so on...!
Q: I've downloaded the hack ... what should i do now ..?
Ans: You would notice that most of the hacks are in .exe file .... and those .exe file is definate to have viruses and trojans trapped inside ... everytime you run them you invite hackers to gain more easy access to your PC and valuable documents...and pictures... which they may use against you as well..!
If it not .exe file than it is abousolutely something which you have absolutrly no idea about it...So better delete the file straight away ... and dont look back..!
I Hope this should have Opened your Eyes... Wide..!
But just in case if you are still not convinced ...
Download this latest Hack,Cheat for Counter Strike
and Get your PC infected with all sorts of Viruses,Trojans,Malwares, ...
Keep trying till your Computer becomes a BOT for the bad world..!
You have to be really noob if you still dont understand the point ....dontsearching
Remember EveryTime You Hack... You are Ligible to be called as Criminal
Stop hacking ... Start playing...Become a Pro!
How to Do Bunny Hop in Counter Strike
Keyboard Steps:
How to Create Custom Spray Logos for Counter Strike 1.6
Still finding it Difficult ........
Then watch this HLtagconverter Video
This is a list of keyboard shortcuts in Mozilla Firefox. If you have enabled Emacs-style text editing shortcuts in GNOME, they will also work in Firefox. When an Emacs text editing shortcut conflicts with the default shortcuts (as occurs with CtrlCmd+K), the Emacs shortcut will take preference if focus is inside a textbox (which would include the location bar and search bar). In such cases you should use the alternate keyboard shortcut if one is listed below.
Command | Shortcut |
Navigation | |
Back | AltOpt+Left Arrow BackspaceAltOpt+Left Arrow CtrlCmd+[CtrlCmd+[ CtrlCmd+Left Arrow Delete |
Forward | AltOpt+Right Arrow Shift+BackspaceAltOpt+Right Arrow CtrlCmd+]CtrlCmd+] CtrlCmd+Right Arrow Shift+Delete |
Home | AltOpt+Home |
Open File | CtrlCmd+O |
Reload | F5 Ctrl Cmd+R |
Reload (override cache) | CtrlCmd+F5 CtrlCmd+Shift+R |
Stop | CtrlCmd+. Esc |
Current Page | |
Go to Bottom of Page | End |
Go to Top of Page | Home |
Move to Next Frame | F6 |
Move to Previous Frame | Shift+F6 |
Page Info | CtrlCmd+I |
Page Source | CtrlCmd+U |
Print | CtrlCmd+P |
Save Page As | CtrlCmd+S |
Text Size: Decrease | CtrlCmd+- |
Text Size: Increase | CtrlCmd++ |
Text Size: Restore | CtrlCmd+0 |
Editing | |
Copy | CtrlCmd+C |
Cut | CtrlCmd+X |
Delete | Delete |
Paste | CtrlCmd+V |
Redo | CtrlCmd+YCtrlCmd+Shift+Z |
Select All | CtrlCmd+A |
Undo | CtrlCmd+Z |
Search | |
Find | CtrlCmd+F |
Find Again | F3 CtrlCmd+G |
Find As You Type Link | ' |
Find As You Type Text | / |
Find Previous | Shift+F3 |
Web Search | CtrlCmd+K CtrlCmd+E Ctrl Cmd+J |
Windows & Tabs | |
Close Tab | CtrlCmd+W Ctrl+F4 |
Close Window | CtrlCmd+Shift+W AltOpt+F4 |
Move Tab Left (when tab is focused) | CtrlCmd+Left Arrow CtrlCmd+Up Arrow |
Move Tab Right (when tab is focused) | CtrlCmd+Right Arrow CtrlCmd+Down Arrow |
Move Tab to Beginning (when tab is focused) | Ctrl Cmd+Home |
Move Tab to End (when tab is focused) | CtrlCmd+End |
New Tab | CtrlCmd+T |
New Window | CtrlCmd+N |
Next Tab | Ctrl+Tab CtrlCmd+AltOpt+Right Arrow Ctrl+Page Down |
Open Address in New Tab (from Location Bar or Search Bar) | AltOpt+EnterReturn |
Previous Tab | Ctrl+Shift+Tab CtrlCmd+AltOpt+Left Arrow Ctrl+Page Up |
Undo Close Tab | CtrlCmd+Shift+T |
Select Tab (1 to 8) | CtrlCmdAltOpt+(1 to 8) |
Select Last Tab | CtrlCmdAltOpt+9 |
Tools | |
Bookmark All Tabs | CtrlCmd+Shift+D |
Bookmark This Page | CtrlCmd+D |
Bookmarks | CtrlCmd+B CtrlCmd+I |
Caret Browsing | F7 |
Downloads | CtrlCmd+JCtrlCmd+Y |
History | CtrlCmd+H CtrlCmd+Shift+H |
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Complete .com Address | CtrlCmd+EnterReturn |
Complete .net Address | Shift+EnterReturn |
Complete .org Address | CtrlCmd+Shift+EnterReturn |
Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry | DelShift+Del |
Full Screen | F11 |
Select Location Bar | AltOpt+D F6 CtrlCmd+L |
Select or Manage Search Engines (when Search Bar is focused) | AltOpt+Up Arrow AltOpt+Down Arrow F4 |
Command | Shortcut |
Navigation | |
Back | AltOpt+Left Arrow BackspaceAltOpt+Left Arrow CtrlCmd+[CtrlCmd+[ CtrlCmd+Left Arrow Delete |
Forward | AltOpt+Right Arrow Shift+BackspaceAltOpt+Right Arrow CtrlCmd+]CtrlCmd+] CtrlCmd+Right Arrow Shift+Delete |
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Open File | CtrlCmd+O |
Reload | F5 Ctrl Cmd+R |
Reload (override cache) | CtrlCmd+F5 CtrlCmd+Shift+R |
Stop | CtrlCmd+. Esc |
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Go to Bottom of Page | End |
Go to Top of Page | Home |
Move to Next Frame | F6 |
Move to Previous Frame | Shift+F6 |
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Page Source | CtrlCmd+U |
CtrlCmd+P | |
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Zoom In | CtrlCmd++ |
Zoom Out | CtrlCmd+- |
Zoom Reset | CtrlCmd+0 |
Editing | |
Copy | CtrlCmd+C |
Cut | CtrlCmd+X |
Delete | Delete |
Paste | CtrlCmd+V |
Redo | CtrlCmd+YCtrlCmd+Shift+Z |
Select All | CtrlCmd+A |
Undo | CtrlCmd+Z |
Search | |
Find | CtrlCmd+F |
Find Again | F3 CtrlCmd+G |
Find As You Type Link | ' |
Find As You Type Text | / |
Find Previous | Shift+F3 |
Web Search | CtrlCmd+K CtrlCmd+E Ctrl Cmd+J |
Windows & Tabs | |
Close Tab | CtrlCmd+W Ctrl+F4 |
Close Window | CtrlCmd+Shift+W AltOpt+F4 |
Move Tab Left (when tab is focused) | CtrlCmd+Left Arrow CtrlCmd+Up Arrow |
Move Tab Right (when tab is focused) | CtrlCmd+Right Arrow CtrlCmd+Down Arrow |
Move Tab to Beginning (when tab is focused) | Ctrl Cmd+Home |
Move Tab to End (when tab is focused) | CtrlCmd+End |
New Tab | CtrlCmd+T |
New Window | CtrlCmd+N |
Next Tab | Ctrl+Tab CtrlCmd+AltOpt+Right Arrow Cmd+} Ctrl+Page Down |
Open Address in New Tab (from Location Bar or Search Bar) | AltOpt+EnterReturn |
Previous Tab | Ctrl+Shift+Tab CtrlCmd+AltOpt+Left Arrow Cmd+{ Ctrl+Page Up |
Undo Close Tab | CtrlCmd+Shift+T |
Select Tab (1 to 8) | CtrlCmdAltOpt+(1 to 8) |
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Bookmark All Tabs | CtrlCmd+Shift+D |
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Downloads | CtrlCmd+JCtrlCmd+Y |
History | CtrlCmd+H CtrlCmd+Shift+H |
Clear Private Data | CtrlCmd+Shift+Del |
Error Console | CtrlCmd+Shift+J |
Miscellaneous | |
Complete .com Address | CtrlCmd+EnterReturn |
Complete .net Address | Shift+EnterReturn |
Complete .org Address | CtrlCmd+Shift+EnterReturn |
Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry | DelShift+Del |
Full Screen | F11 |
Select Location Bar | Alt+DF6 CtrlCmd+L |
Select or Manage Search Engines (when Search Bar is focused) | AltOpt+Up Arrow AltOpt+Down Arrow F4 |